My girlfriend said that she was sick of her husband walking though the door and asking her that dreaded question."HI, Honey! What have you been doing all day?" "Is supper ready yet?"
Well this is for all of us who stay home and take care of the kids and the house!!!
5:30am: Drag yourself out of your super warm comfortable bed to get the husband up and off to work. Make sure that he has got all his stuff (cell phone, keys, wallet, lunch, coffee to go, because you don't want to be the one to drive all the way to his work to drop something off, because HE left it behind.
6:00am: Sit down on the couch with a cup of hot coffee to watch the news, before you have to get the kids up and ready for school.
But they never want to RISE NOR SHINE!
6:45am: Give the kids a heads up that it is just about time to rise and shine!
6:50am: Check for holes in the eyelids and make sure that you are ready for round two with the kids. Drink that last sip of coffee because you know that you are going to need that boost. YOU Know YOU Are!!
7:00am: Take a breath, make sure coffee is all gone in the cup, Get kids out of bed! Great they are up! "MOM I am hungry." One of the lovely chants as he walks down the hallway to the kitchen. The other saying that he will be down in a minute and you now what that means! (More like I will hand out here till she yells for me.)
7:30am: One child done with breakfast and one still upstairs. Get down here now if you want something to eat you are running out of time. Kitchen clean and one child almost ready to go and child number two just coming down the stairs and grab a clod pop tart. I am good with that!
7:35am: Tell older one that he needs to head down to the bus stop and put the younger one in the car to drive him to the other bus stop so that from there I can go start all the errands that need to be done today.
11:30am: Get younger child off the bus and then home for lunch.
12:00noon time: Sit down with the younger child talk about his day over a nice lunch and time for him to take a rest.
12:30pm: Walk into the living room to find out that the younger one has taken out 500 toys while you were making lunch. Looking at all these toys you start to pick up some of them so that you can clean this room before the day is out.
1:00pm: Child is starting to wake up from is nice nap and I hear "I want a snack!" Get younger child snack and have a play date over and try to clean up and get some of the laundry done and folder.
1:30pm: While you try to get some other small things done around the house the younger one and his play date are now taking out the 500 toys to play with and asking one million questions!?, Gone in and out of the house several times.
2:30pm: The older child comes over from school. Gotten himself a snack, made a mess of the kitchen. Go and tell older child to come back and clean up his mess, then think of what would be nice to have for dinner and pick up the rest of the kitchen that the older one did not do because sometimes it is just easier that way.
3:00pm: Walk play date home and walk dog for the day to get in some exercise. Keep plastic bag in pocket to pick up that smelly stuff that the dog leaves behind on other peoples lawns. (this is were I wish that dogs were like cats. Cats cover up their own messes!)
3:30pm: OH Crap! Did I get the last load of laundry down? Husband may need that shirt for tomorrow. Go check thank God I checked!!
4:00pm: Check to see if older one has started some of that home work. Check agenda, check homework site, check all homework.
4:30pm: Did I get a chance to fluff my bed and the kids, check to see if the bathroom needs a scrub, did I get to all the errands this morning? OH Well tomorrow is an other day.
5:00pm: OH Crap! %#%#% Dinner still has to be made, the kids need to get showers, the living room needs to be picked up for about the thousandth time today, AND I need a SHOWER, a SHOT ,and some SLEEP!!! BUT first feed the family.
5:30pm: Get kids in the shower, double check on older kids homework, make sure this is no papers I need to sign, let children watch a show or two on TV before they get ready.
6:00pm: Make myself a cup of decaf coffee, because you now if its not I will be up for hours. Ask husband if he wants a cup with you.
7:30pm: Give kids a
heads a heads up that bed times in a little while, Let the dog go outside before the end of the night, make sure the kitchen is all cleaned up. Check living room and pick that up. Again with the kids for the fifth time today.
8:30pm: Have the kids head up to bed, brush teeth and get into bed. Answer about an other one million questions from the two of them and finally say goo night. Now I can breath, I think! Is that the dog I hear? Let the dog in!?
Now to all those other halves that come home and ask "What did you do all day?" You may need a copy of this. You may add in what I forgot. Like my girlfriend said we forgot to add in soccer practice, hockey practice, dance, baseball practice, and all those other stuff that we need to get to on time.
This doesn't include the days of doctor appointments.
This doesn't include all the times that we say be careful, no hitting, no spitting, what's the matter?, don't do that, throw that away, get that out of your mouth, pick that up, chill out, what up, stop holding yourself and go pee, Now You Get The Picture!!
And when the going gets tough I recite these words "THIS TO SHALL PASS" it seem to work and some times I said those words all day long.
SO to end this for an other day, to those husbands, next time they ask you "what have you been doing all day" I will gladly refer to this blog or make a copy and add in some other things I may have forgotten. Because I can not possibly recite all of this all over again!! NOW I am going to SHOWER, get a SHOT, and some SLEEP! and for those who really now me I don't drink, But never too late.
Crap Only Happens to ME!!!!!
How did I do?

And some of your own
Till tomorrow