To all of us who over see the little things in life! I had to go to "Wally World (aka Wal-Mart) to pick up some tissue paper and a small gift bag to wrap a present that I purchased for a friend of mine. When I got home and put the other things that I bought away and looked at the receipt and wonder what I had picked up for over 50 bucks!? I thought I was just going for tissue paper and a gift bag. Don't you hate when that happens??? Then of course I had to make myself a cup of coffee, Yes!, If I could hook myself up to a caffeine I.V. drip I probably would. Less effort on my part. Love the coffee taste though and love the caffeine more. Now, were was I! OH, that's right just about to wrap a present. Let's see, Coffee, CHECK, present, CHECK, gift bag, CHECK, tissue paper, CHECK. All set?! Guess what!? What has this world come to?!?! Do we really need step by step instructions on the back of the tissue paper to tell us how to FLUFF your tissue paper?!?!?! I am not kidding you at all. I started to open the tissue paper and right there in front of my eyes, in black and white print were instructions on how to FLUFF your tissue!! I really wish I knew how to put a picture of this on my blog. That would take a brain fart for me at this point. I have way to much caffeine in my system and taking Day Quill that I don't dare to attempt that right now. So I kid you not!!! FLUFF YOUR TISSUE! This gets me thinking Yes I am thinking, to all the other instructions that are out there that I have missed. Some might be as good as to FLUFF YOUR TISSUE!! Most of you now me, and of course that is not all. It always comes in threes. I proceeded to spill my coffee on the floor and on the table as I grab the present, I threw that though the air to the couch. I had to save that RIGHT!! The rest of the tissue paper is now coffee stained and coffee scented. Hey might make big money, scented tissue or is this idea already taken. The present is SAFE! The floor needs a good wash though. So, I I end this for today, let me say these words to you,"don't forget to FLUFF your tissue next time you wrap that gift.
Crap Only Happens To ME!
Did you know that you need to FLUFF tissue?
What are your thoughts?
Till next time!!
Fluff tissue???? I'm sorry I prefer Fluff with my PB sandwiches :)