While taking small sips of my coffee from those not so durable plastic coffee cups, I was pondering what to put in this blog today! Can you just guess what happen to me next? That's right! I spilt coffee all down the front of my new shirt. OH BOY! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! I haven't even started my day yet. This
WAS my New Shirt. Not so NEW anymore. We have all been there at one time or another. But Crap Only Happens To Me! So do I like the look of long dribbles down the front of my shirt, or do I go into the bathroom and in my eyes make a bigger spot on the front for everyone can ask "What Happened?" I proceed to go into the bathroom and make the coffee dribble go away. But as we all now with some things that just want to hang out for a while. The little dribbles down the front of my shirt was now a big wet spot on the front of my shirt. Now this shirt started out different shades of Tye-dyed blue. I do have to say I looked nice for the first 15 minutes of my day. Oh and we should mention today was picture day. I opted out. Even though you could not see it, I felt a little funny going in front of the camera with a big wet spot on my shirt. So as I was walking up and down the halls, I felt that ever one was staring at that BIG wet spot on the front of my shirt. And did I not just say people are going to ask "What Happened?" Boy was I right. I must have answered that question a dozen times. Later I found myself taking my mother up to the registry. Why you ask? I asked myself that same question a dozen times all the way there. Let me tell you, I thought I looked bad with now a dried out Tye-dyed blue stained shirt. Have you ever looked around at what other people wear. When I was up there I saw some out of the ordinary outfits. I think I need to look at myself in the mirror before I go out I public. I was not at my best with my dried out coffee stained shirt that I had on. Then my mother was noticing some of the other people that were coming and going up there and commenting on what they looked like. Then she got the women on the other side of me going and the two of them were so funny. My mother on one side and an older women on the other making comments on every ones outfit. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Think about this, I was sitting in the middle of these two saying to myself "Have they called our number yet?" "Are you sure its not time to close the doors and tell me to go home." I have not laughed like that for a long time. I should have gone to the bathroom before I left the house. Wait isn't that what we say to the kids when they were little. "Do you need to use the potty before we go?" May I sure take my own words of advise. It felt so good that the older women on the other side of me asked if we were coming back next week? Are you Joking? I could not do this place that many days in one month. As I walked out of the registry I said one thing to myself Crap Only Happens to ME!!!!
Let me know some of your fun moments.
Till next time
Hey, I opted out of picture day, too. I'm going to hang onto my last photo as long as I can so I can pretend I still look like that. We have to feel better any damn way we can!
ReplyDeleteAnd as for your shirt, I never saw the stain (coughcough).
We haven't had picture day yet (thank goodness!). Although we did get our ID photos taken..... mine is horrible and it's only a head shot!