Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The first for me

I would like to start my saying that this is a first for me.  I thought maybe if I type in things that some people can relate to out there.  The first thing that happen to me was about two years ago when I got my first cell phone handed to me by my son.  Yes! is old one. Trying to figure out this new piece of technology was a challenge in it self.  My son later that day sent me a text message and then I answered back.  But what came back was Idk.  So sitting in a room full of students, I started to ask them without disturbing the whole class.  Student to my left I asked "What does Idk mean?" "Their reply was I don't know?" "What do you mean I don't know?" These are students that txt everyday!  So I asked the student to the other side of me from where I was sitting. "What does Idk mean?"  The student looked at me with a grin and said "I don't know?"  Getting upset with this new technology thing, I looked at the student and said what do you mean you don't know, you do this all day long even when you are suppose to be doing something like class work.  The student in front of me handed me a piece of paper that said "Idk means I Don't Know" really!  Then it came to me, I get it Idk really means I don't know!!!!


  1. I totaly understand!
    Can't wait for your next blog!!!

  2. Modern Tech... go figure look forward to reading more!!!

  3. Just hang in there with technology! It can be something that we can learn from our children and that's a good thing.

  4. Now that's good! Can you picture those students rolling their eyes at you, like you're old or something?! Sheesh!
